He is at the Door

Revelation 3:20
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.

He is at the door
He is at the door

Jesus Christ is calling unto you today, he is at the door of your heart knocking every now and then..

Two things you must do

  1. Hear His voice
Before you can actually enjoy this free grace of God in Christ Jesus (i.e before Jesus can come in unto you). You must firstly hear his voice. 

  • Hear him calling you to repent.
  • Hear him calling you to fall back on Him.
  • Hear him calling you to let go of yourself.
  • Hear him calling you to to forgo flesh.
  • Hear him calling you to serve him.
  • Hear him calling you to become his disciple.     

 2. Open the Door

After hearing His voice calling you, the next necessary and important step to take is to open up your heart to Him(Jesus) and let Him rule over your life before it's too late. Accept him as your Lord and personal Saviour. Allow Him to be your beginning and your end. Allow Him to take over all your affairs. 

Are you ready to open the door of your heart to Him? Say this after me

Lord Jesus, I give myself to you today, take over my life, forgive me all my sins, wash away all my transgressions and make my life your dwelling place. Amen

Go to the nearest Church available and closest to you for more counselling. 

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